Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Questions & Answers

After people found out we were pregnant, Meredith and I got some interesting questions. So just in case you were wondering...

Q: Why the name Jak?
A: Meredith always wanted a little girl named Jak. I thought it was cute, so it was a done deal.

Q: If you had a boy, would you have named him Jak?
A: NOPE! We only liked Jak for a girl. We could not decide on a boys name. Thank goodness she was a girl.

Q: Are you two married?
A: Not legally...although we consider ourselves to be. In Ohio same-sex marriage is not legal. I did change my last name to her last name, though, so that Jak could have her last name when she was born.

Q: Did Meredith adopt Jak?
A: No. In Ohio, second parent adoptions by same-sex couples are not allowed. We had to hire a lawyer and draw up special paperwork in my will saying that Meredith gets Jak in the event anything happens to me. One day I hope to live in a state where everyone is equal.

Q: Do you plan to have any more kids?
A: We're undecided. Before Jak I wanted at least two and Meredith wanted one. After Jak I only want one and Meredith wants two. We'll see...

Q: How did you get pregnant?
A: I was artificially inseminated. We were very lucky that we got pregnant on the second try. I did not go through Invitro Fertilization.

Q: How much did it cost?
A: More than what a typical heterosexual couple spends getting pregnant, and less than IVF.

Q: Do you know who the father is?
A: No. We chose someone who (on paper) seemed to look like Meredith (Italian, brown hair, dark complexion, full lips) and have her personality (laid back, musically talented, artistic). Unfortunately, with regard to looks, Jak is 100% me - fair skin, red hair, blue eyes, no lips.

Q: Did you see pictures of the donor?
A: No. We did not choose a donor who had photos available because I didn't want to see him when I looked at Jak...I wanted to see Meredith.

And the #1 question we've gotten (by far).....

Q: How did you decide who would carry the baby?
A: There was no decision to be made. Meredith has no desire to ever carry or give birth to a baby. I, however, wanted nothing more than to be pregnant and go through labor...so we're a good fit. If I didn't do it, then we'd have no kids. Easy choice!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I love that her name is Jak. LOVE it! Cheeks has a "male" name as well, but so do Ash and I! I would love to do this Q and A one day, when we're ready to share...
