Thursday, June 16, 2011

This time last year

One year ago today - on June 16, 2010 - I was laying down in the doctor's office listening to the greatest sound I have ever baby's heartbeat. I remember it like it was yesterday. I laid there with tears in my eyes while Meredith tried to take pictures of the little blob on the screen that was our baby.

We left that appointment so excited by all the things that were to come through the next 7 months and beyond....and now here we are. We have a 5 month old little girl who is the prettiest, smartest, friendliest thing God ever put on the Earth...and here I sit, with tears in my eyes again...looking at the little person that we created, as she plays in her jump-a-roo and tries to eat her crinkle book.

We love you Baby Jak and thank God for you every single day. We are so lucky!
Baby Jak - June 16, 2010

Jak - One year later (chowing on some cereal)

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