Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Jak was very thoughtful. For our anniversary she gave Meredith and I her cold. To say that Mere and I are sick is a gross understatement. We aren't just sick...we are whatever word is worse than being sick. I'm too sick to think of that word. I went through 3 boxes of Kleenex in one day. I've tried so many medications I couldn't even tell you what worked and what didn't. We haven't eaten. We can't taste. We can't smell. We go from freezing to sweating in a matter of minutes. My eyes are watery and I wake up with no voice. Jak, however, is all better. And now it becomes our mission to make sure she stays that way.

This past weekend we decided to take an impromptu trip to NY to visit Meredith's family. While it was a short trip, it was nice to visit everyone, even though we were not feeling well and had to sleep most of the time. (Please note: We were not sick when we decided to go to NY)

Jak got to show off for everyone and play with her cousin, Lily. Lily barked like a dog for her and danced in a circle. Jak thought it was the best thing she'd ever seen. She laughed and clapped for her like I've never seen her do before. Too bad we were too busy laughing at them to grab the video camera.

Family dinner was fun. Jak tried a piece of meatball for the first time. She wasn't too sure about it, but I'm sure she will learn to love them. She has to - she's part Italian! She got to spend some time with her great grandma and her great great aunt, Pauline, who thought she was just the greatest. Enjoy the picture below. 

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