Monday, March 21, 2011

Jak's Farewell Tour 2011

I go back to work next week, so Jak is making the rounds to see all of her fans before she heads to daycare. Today we went to see Grandma K. Tomorrow we are going to Mimmy's office. Wednesday we're going to see some of my old work friends. Thursday is a trip to the doctor for her two month check-up (TWO MONTHS ALREADY?!?). Friday we are going to meet with the daycare to get things squared away. Phew, I think that's it. In between I am going to make sure we get some quality Mommy and Jak time. It's going to be very hard to go back to work after having the past eight weeks off, but I am trying to focus on the positive elements - It will be nice to get into a routine and see all of my co-workers again. I just wish I could take Jak with me. I keep telling myself that lots of Mommies work and have babies. I can do it too! I just need to get through the first week or two or three.

I didn't take any pictures from our visit today (Grandma K hates having her picture taken), so here are some of my favorites from the last week or so.

Call me! 


I love my Mommy!

America's Next Top Baby Model

I love my Mimmy!


On a sad note, our beloved cat, Morpheus, passed away on 3.11.11. He was nine years old and suffered from kidney failure. He will be missed.

Morpheus (left) and his best friend, LaBlanc

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on the birth of your daughter. She's beautiful!
