Thursday, October 27, 2011

9 month check-up

Jak went for her 9 month check-up yesterday. Below are her stats:
  • Weight: 16.7 lbs - 15th percentile
  • Height: 27.25 inches - 30th percentile 
  • Head: 17.1 inches - 45th percentile
She is right on track for her age...actually, a little advanced when it comes to her milestones. I'm pretty sure she's a genius. It will only be a matter of time before she is writing sonatas or researching the Theory of Relativity.

9 months is such a great age. I remember thinking when my nephew, Adam, was 9 months old that it was my favorite time with him. Jak is doing so many cool things. One of her newest tricks is to fake cry when we tell her no or she wants something she knows she can't have. She scrunches her face up and looks at me or Mere and then smiles and goes for it again. We say no, and she does it again. It's become a game. We never see any tears and she is usually smiling in between her fake cries. She has learned what "no" means and she knows she does not like that word. Sorry to say she probably has a lot more years of no's coming her way.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Top 10

Just before I put Jak to bed in her crib the other night, I took a moment to cuddle with her and enjoy some mommy baby time (mimmy was in bed with a headache). I listened to her breathe and watched her lay her head on my shoulder to sleep...and I started to cry, so overwhelmed by how blessed I am to have this perfect baby in my life. It's cliche, but I never knew I was capable of this much love. So that got me to thinking, what do I love about Jak? Well there are a gazillion things, of course, but I'll narrow it down to my top 10:

#10 She is fearless. She'll try anything. Climb anything. Jump off anything. She just doesn't care. And if she falls (which she rarely does because there's always a mommy around waiting to catch her), she gets right back up and does it again.

#9 Her baby feet. She has the cutest baby feet I have ever seen. And they are huge! Even when she was born, everyone kept commenting on her big feet and long toes. I can't wait to paint her toenails (which will have to wait until she stops sucking on her toes). Super cute!

#8 Hiccups. If you look at Jak the wrong way, she'll get the hiccups. She always has them. The smallest giggle sends her into hiccup frenzy. When I was pregnant with her, I would text Meredith 3 or 4 times a day saying "Baby has the hiccups." And it hasn't stopped yet.

#7 She always has to have her foot propped up on something. It doesn't matter if it's a chair, the shopping cart, the side of her playpen, on a stuffed animal....her foot is always on something. She is constantly relaxing. It cracks me up.

#6 Her personality. I see so much of me in her. She is fiesty, impatient, and wants what she wants...and she wants it now! Right now, it's pretty cute. In a few years, it won't be, I'm sure. :)

#5 The way she loves her mimmy. It is so cute to see those two together. Meredith walks into the room and Jak just lights up. She is always crawling to her or putting her arms up to go to her. When Meredith leaves the room, Jak turns her head to look around the corner to see where she is. I love the way they love each other so much.

#4 Her eyelashes. They are so long and everyone comments on them. They are just so beautiful. Movie stars would kill for her eyelashes. This is something that she got from her donor. His profile said he had "long eyelashes and almost perfect eyebrows"... and so does she.

#3 Her laugh. She has the best laugh. No matter what is going on in life, as soon as I hear it, all is right with the world.

#2 Her kisses. Every once in a while, she'll actually give you one when you ask for it. They're sloppy, and she hardly ever hits your lips, but she tries so hard and it's so darn cute.

#1 Her smile. Never ever has anything brought me so much joy as watching my daughter smile at me. She smiles endlessly and I love it. Everyone asks "Is she always this happy?" and we always smile and say "Yes. She is always like this."

There are a million more reasons, but I'll stop at 10...for now.

My wonderful little girl 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jak-O-Lantern Time!

We took our little pumpkin to the pumpkin patch today. We all had so much fun! Jak cruised around in her brand new wagon, occasionally stopping for a photo op. It was unseasonably warm for Ohio in October - 82 degrees! I never thought Jak would have to put on sunscreen and wear a sunhat to go pumpkin picking, but we all had a good time anyway. Check it out!